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"The Greens have been silenced. The ones who thought they were better than us. We are now one pure hive."

White Martians are a species originating from the planet Mars.


The White Martians lived under the surface of the planet Mars, one day they emerged from underground apparently wiping out the entire race of the Green Martians, leaving J'onn J'onzz as the sole survivor; however, it is later revealed that they did not wipe out all the Green Martians, as they were turned into White Martians by the latter's who injected them with their own blood.

M'gann M'orzz felt their purge was wrong and tried to save as many of the Green Martians as she could though they were killed when her actions were discovered. She then fled to Earth where she eventually worked quietly in an Alien Bar in National City. She then met and befriended J'onn J'onzz by initially pretending to be a fellow Green Martian survivor though her ruse was soon discovered. While initially distrustful of her after the revelation, J'onn eventually forgave her and they went on to form a Martian Bond. The bond grew deep enough that they even started to fall in love with each other. Her people then discovered M'gann on Earth and sent assassins, including her old comrade Armek, to eliminate her but their attempts were thwarted. M'gann then left to return to Mars to try and find other White Martians that held the same feelings and virtues that she did. She found that there were fellow White Martians that shared her feelings and when National City was in trouble by Rhea and her invasion, they arrived to help defend it against the Daxamites.


White Martians are an aggressive species that emerged from underground. They are cruel and ruthless beings who view themselves as a superior race to all. Their disdain for "lower creatures" is so great that they will slaughter them all to prove their self-perceived greatness. Even more, they revel in other's suffering, as they captured all the Green Martians and sent them into camps, where women, children and useless men were exterminated by burning them alive and the ones they left were forced to work as slaves. They are ruled over by a council of White Martians.

However, some White Martians, such as M'gann M'orzz, have a sense of justice, honor and good morals. She is the most wanted creature to the eyes of the White Martians empire given her treachery during the purge of the Green Martians. The council wants to see her dead more than J'onn J'onzz did. M'gann returned to Mars and found that there were other White Martians that held regret and believed that their purge of the Green Martians was something they took too far.

Physical appearance

White Martians are monstrous, bipedal creatures standing at about 8 feet tall by default, but they can easily change their appearance.

Powers and abilities


  • Most White Martians have abilities that are not possessed by normal humans. These include;
    • Longevity: The life spans of all White Martians are considerably longer than normal humans and they age much slower, allowing them to live for centuries.
    • Super strength: White Martians are stronger than humans, as well as some aliens, though not as strong as a fully-powered Kryptonian. White Martians can augment their strength by focusing their telekinesis in their body and use it in a tactile way.
    • Invulnerability: White Martians' bodies are denser than a human's but not nearly as durable as a Kryptonian. White Martians are also immune to human diseases and illnesses
    • Shapeshifting: Able to transform into any living organism, android or creature. A higher level of training is required to shape-shift into forms that are very different from a Martian's natural form. Furthermore, with sufficient skill, a White Martians can actually partially manifest aspects of their true natures, such as their inhuman physical strength, while assuming an alternate form.
      • Malleability: White Martians can stretch or bend their body and limbs (E.g into large whips to grab things at great distances).
      • Accelerated healing factor: Due to their shape-shifting powers, White Martians heal and recover faster than humans would, to the point of regenerating from damage in minutes.
    • Camouflage: White Martians can blend in within the environment by changing the appearance of their form and bending light waves around them to match with their surroundings making themselves almost - but not completely invisible. Their chances of staying undetected are diminished if they are moving.
    • Density-Shifting: White Martians are able to phase through solid objects or to increase their density to become near-invulnerable. This is an advanced technique not innately possessed by all Martians and requires a considerable amount of training to master.
    • Spitting: White Martians are able to spit a sticky matter out of their mouths.
    • Blood: If the White Martians' blood is injected into the Green Martians' blood system; it will turn the latter into White Martians.
    • Telepathy: On Mars, all White Martians can use telepathy to communicate and are able to sense others of their kind when a Martian's psychic abilities are used.
    • Telekinesis: White Martians can manipulate, move and control objects with their minds and without physical contact.
      • Flight: By telekinetically moving themselves, White Martians can simulate flight.
      • Super Speed: As seen in the Anti Alien Rally, White Martians are capable of moving at speeds that are similar to that of Kryptonians. The can move at speeds that make them invisible to humans.


  • Multilingual: White Martians are capable of learning to speak other languages very quickly.


  • Fire: If they are shape-shifting, any part of their body that comes close enough to touch fire partially transform back into its true form, which could be used to expose them. When White Martians are exposed to fire, their skin turns white.

Known White Martians

Living White Martians

Deceased White Martians


