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Arrowverse Wiki

I am very unhappy. Very, VERY UNHAPPY. Don’t like, hate, I hate, I f*cking hate this. I am not happy. NOT HAPPY. SPOILERS, NOT THAT ANYTHING REALLY HAPPEN IN THIS GODDAMN EPISODE!!!

Ok, honestly, that was a bit of an exaggeration. The episode wasn’t that bad. But when you have a season finale, it can’t be “not that bad”. It has to be mind-blowing, spectacular, epic. I am telling you, nothing will ever surpass that Season 5 season finale, “Lian Yu”. That had a crazy cliffhanger, this had a cliffhanger that really happened in the previous episode. That had a fan-favorite, Deathstroke, come back, this almost had the Longbow Hunters (google them if you don’t know who they are), but they didn’t actually show up. That had amazing action sequences and this…well, gotta be fair, this episode had some pretty good fights. Very, very disappointing.

I don’t understand what the writers are doing. Last season they killed of their best villain. Now, when they have a sucky villain, they decided to keep him alive. WTF! Diaz should’ve died and that should’ve died and that should’ve been the end of this. What are they gonna do with him going forward?! I don’t know about you guys, but to me this feels like a very unsatisfying ending. Diaz, however, did go down with a bang, because that rooftop fight was awesome. For once he proved he was good at something. The rest of the episode…no, season…he was just running away.

I really wanna mention some of the supporting characters here. René was so great. That scene of him calling his daughter was so emotional, I almost teared up. I also like that they are finale putting the team back together. I enjoyed the “Civil War” but it felt satisfying when Oliver started to make peace with his old teammates. Him offering Diggle the Green Arrow suit, however, sucks, because he will probably be GA at the beginning of next season and that would suck. And Quentin, man…so sad!

I am a little disappointed that the long-awaited return of Sara Lance to the show turned out to be just for a few short moments. Either way, I am glad that she finale met Black Siren and I almost cried when she started to cry. Quentin’s death would’ve wrecked me if it wasn’t done off-screen. He has been with this show since the very beginning and it is hard to imagine it without him. His last scene with Oliver was so heartbreaking. However, he died off-screen. WHY?! You can’t kill Quentin off-screen!

Oliver teamed up with Agent Watson from the FBI in this episode and I gotta say, not really liking it. She was really bossy and controlled even Oliver when he is supposed to be the team leader. They were trying to take down Diaz, and it wasn’t as epic as I had hoped for it to be. The opening fight in SCPD was awesome, so was the end one. However, Diaz was never really there. They just fought goons. Thank god Anatoly was there to help them. He was so good. Should’ve been the main villain, yet he wasn’t. *sigh*

Every Arrowverse finale has aa huge cliffhanger. Despite the fact that it was sorta teased in the previous episode and throughout this episode, I thought it was a pretty good cliffhanger because it opens up the door for a great storyline that I have been looking forward to. I hear there was a canceled Green Arrow movie where he was supposed to fight his way out of a prison with his most dangerous foes in it. That sounds like a great first few episodes for Season 7. And if Diggle isn’t the Green Arrow and Diaz is taken care of ASAP, then next season might be good. But it seems like we always have hope and it is always for nothing. At this point, the “Arrow” writers are messing up so much that I don’t trust them anymore.
