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Arrowverse Wiki

Eobard95 Eobard95 17 June 2016

Arrow Season 5 - what it should be

I've recently redone this post with more detail:

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Eobard95 Eobard95 19 May 2016

Is Laurel really dead?

We all saw Laurel die in "Eleven Fifty-Nine" and we saw her corpse in the morgue in "Canary Cry" and they buried her in the same episode so yea it's pretty much confirmed that Laurel is dead, the producers have also said so. If it's Katie Cassidy (Laurel's actress) wanting to leave Arrow then that's fair, can't say I blame her for how shitty it's gotten, but she appeared on The Flash the other night as Earth-2 Laurel (who didn't die so they're obviously saving her for another episode as well)  and she'll be voicing her character in the next Vixen when it's released. For someone who seems to be leaving Katie Cassidy seems to be lingering around. Now the death scene was pretty convincing but one thing to me still isn't adding up and I'm not …

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Eobard95 Eobard95 18 May 2016

Earth-2 Laurel possible storyline

Stupid idea of mine never should have written it, if anyone can tell me how to delete blog posts that would be nice.

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Eobard95 Eobard95 15 May 2016

Is the Iron Mask the Alan Scott Green Lantern?

It's recently been confirmed that Alan Scott / Green Lantern will be appearing in the Legends of Tomorrow season finale. It's also been revealed we won't know Iron Mask's identity until the Flash season finale. I've come to suspect that Iron Mask is a younger version of Alan Scott and the Legends of Tomorrow finale will feature an older one. Also the place Zoom has Iron Mask captive looks like it was an abandoned railroad of some sorts and Alan Scott was a railroad engineer. This would make sense if they introduce him in Legends and the following week introduces him as the Iron Mask, so he gets to meet Team Flash and we already know a bit about him. What Zoom said about him to Barry "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" may be because th…

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Eobard95 Eobard95 12 May 2016

How Laurel could still be alive

Laurel Lance / Black Canary has been confirmed dead, fucking Arrow writers, but I'm still having a hard time believing she's gone for good. Unless Katie Cassidy (actress who plays Laurel) has stated she's left because of disagreements with the producers or something then yea I can go with that, but I haven't found such reports. She said she had to tell Oliver something and it didn't show what she said and she started seizing when she was fine seconds before. Katie Cassidy is still credited despite her character being dead, and she appeared in the flashbacks of "Canary Cry" after her character died. Also she will play the Earth-2 Laurel in the upcoming Flash episode "Invincible", but given Zoom's murderous tendencies she'll probably die by …

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