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"This code will replicate the combustive effect of the heat and cold gun crossing streams using nanotech. The only thing that's made him flinch so far."
Zari Tomaz[src]

The anti-magic gun is a nanite-based pistol constructed physically by Ray Palmer with a complex technological code to the nanites written by Zari Tomaz. It is made to counteract the dark magic of Damien Darhk and Nora Darhk by simulating the effects of a Heat gun and a Cold Gun crossing streams.[1]


John Constantine suggested finishing work on it to execute Sara Lance in case she were possessed by Mallus,[1] but it was eventually used by Ray Palmer to shoot Nora when she was about to kill Amaya Jiwe. The effects nearly killed her, but Ray, out of guilt, concocted a cure and went back in time and gave it to Nora a short time after Ray had shot her.[2]

After Mallus assumed his true form in 1992 Zambesi (killing Nora by doing so, as she was his vessel), Ray came up with a plan to prevent Nora's death; and Damien, who'd aligned with the Legends out of desperation to keep his daughter from dying, went along with it. Ray and Damien used the Waverider's jump ship to go back in time to right before Mallus assumed his true form and tried knocking Nora out to stop Mallus. When that didn't work, Damien used the gun on Nora, gravely injuring her; prompting Mallus to make Damien his new vessel. As Mallus broke free, killing Damien, Ray took Nora back to the jump ship, where he gave her another dose of his drug to counteract the effects of the gun.[3]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 3[]

